
I hope you’re having a good day. If you’d like to learn more about me, click the About link in the navigation bar. If you would like to browse my projects, see the posts below or you can visit my GitHub, also linked at the bottom of the page.


  • Name Change

    It turns out that I had unintentionally plagiarized the original name of my website, “Jack of all trades, master of some,” from a friend who had it on his profile nearly 7 years ago from today. In my head, I had come up with it from scratch because I consider myself a jack of all trades, but I am fairly proficient in some areas (master of some).

  • Dark Mode for GitHub Pages Jekyll Minima Theme

    If you’re not interested in understanding the problem, skip to the solution.

  • Welcome to my website!

    I’ve been meaning to create my own website at some point and finally got a weekend to work on it, now that my semester is over. It is so easy nowadays to do it for free using GitHub Pages and Static Site Generators.